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- Amedea -

Ville / Canton: Paris / Autre
Se déplace dans la région: Déplacements sur la Suisse si frais payés
Status: Photo modele professionnel
Pose contre: I am posing from portrait to art nude photography ( no sexy / glamour playboy )

Considering every photoshoot as a collaboration I am expecting respect and give me the right to decline any set if I am not feeling confortable or not fitting to my style.

I always taking part of whats going on and provide some suggestion about frame and lighting

Before any publication online I am asking to check the selection and approve

I dont accept to work in the cold ! for outside photoshoot have a look of the condition of weather and organize a plan B if necessary . Concerning studio check the heat Smile

Communication and consideration for your model is the main aspect to product good images

Humain beeing first
Types de pose: Portrait au nu
Point(s) fort(s): Portrait / nu Artistique
Infos divers:
Taille : 165 | Cheveux : Blond | Yeux : Bleus
Description: Hi :)

My name is Amedea

Passionate about photography and traveling I am posing as a model since 13 years Smile

when I begin I didn't knew the world of fine art photography and right after my first nude session it was an evidence for me . I always needed to find a way to express myself and posing is like a catharsis for me , so step by step I tried to build my own visual identity and make it grow . I am little obsessed about the chart and curves thats why I am doing architecture film photography since few months and autoportraits also. For me a photoshoot is always a collaboration , communication is a priority in my way of working and obviously I always need to take part of the process.

J'ai posé pour:
Ma(mes) page(s) web: | https://www.amedeamodele.com |
Date info:

- formulaire de contact -

Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:François Lenski Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Danvince Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Yann Malotti Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Yann Malotti Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Stephane Coutelle Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Stephane coutelle Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Nicolas Larrière Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Maxime Besse
Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Danvince Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:David Alexander Amedea,portailphoto.ch,www.portailphoto.ch,ns:Alfonso VQ

- formulaire de contact -


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