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- Photographes et model Suisse -

- Ajouter une nouvelle, un casting ou service -

 par matgrandjean de http://www.mathieugrandjean.com

Open Show organizes FREE social screenings where the public can see compelling work and interact directly with photographers, filmmakers and multimedia producers in high-profile spaces.

Up to five curated presenters (from students to professionals) have 15 minutes each to show their project 20 images on a single narrative topic or visual theme (note this is NOT a portfolio review!) while the audience poses questions or provides project feedback.

Open show Lausanne launch is scheduled August 18th at Espace Carbu | Avenue Morges 35 | 1004 Lausanne

Submission Deadline: August 8th

Publié par: matgrandjean, photographe.
Site: www.mathieugrandjean.com
Sa page sur portailphoto
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